This is a quick 1-min read to help you get started with Homeluten Chrome Extension.
List of supported websites: (Map and Listing page) – Recommended!![]()
️ (Listing page) (Listing page)
We also have a web app that you can use (great for on-the-go open house visits):
If you haven’t done so already, click the link below to install Homeluten Chrome Extension:
- Once the extension is installed, go to any Redfin’s map search page or listing page, e.g. - Once you are on the map/listing page, click on the extension icon, then click on the Enable button (the extension should be enabled by default after installation):
- Your page should refresh automatically and you will see the Homeluten toolbox at the bottom left of the page, you will find all of the enhancement features in the toolbox
(for Price Analysis, our goal is to give you the most recent pricing information so you can make an informed decision by yourself. Everyone values a home differently so we try to not make any predictions aka Redfin Estimate, Zillow Estimate for you. But as a general rule assuming the market is efficient, you should expect the sale price of an average home to be in the middle range of the $/sqft. The bubble size represents the size of the home in sqft/1000.) - Please note that after enabling Street View on map page, you will see the yellow street view man on the top left of the map. Drag the little human and drop it anywhere on the map to see the street view
- The Superfunds data does take some time to load … but you can move the map around as it loads in the background and will show up on the map once available!
- You can also use our extension on other supported real estate websites like and
That’s it! Feel free to comment below if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Team Homeluten